Healthy herbs have long been held a holistic place in our well being. Prized since ancient times, and today, depend upon them more than ever to purify our body, mind, and soul!
Of course, we all use herbal parts in our daily lives, one way or the other, whether for their pleasant flavor, for their healing power, or in lovely recipes. Herbal benefits are many; be it for spiritual reasons or to spice up your taste buds, or as a home remedy for ailments like cold, or a sore throat; herbs can be handy for each one's need!
Although, the herbs been in use in our diet since antiquity, only recently they have taken the center-stage of nutrition scientific world for their potential health benefiting and detoxification properties. Herbs and spice, indeed, extend their flavor rather than substance to the food we eat.
I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.
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"Let herb be thy medicine and medicine be thy health"

Why add herbs in our diet? Health benefits of herbs:
Herbs contain unique antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins, phytosterols and many other plants derived nutrient substances, which help equip our body to fight against germs, toxins and to boost immunity level. Herbs are, in fact, medicines in smaller dosages.
Essential oils in herbs have been found to have an anti-inflammatory function by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which mediates inflammatory cascade reaction inside the human body. The enzyme-inhibiting effect of essential oils in herbs makes it a valuable remedy for symptomatic relief in individuals with inflammatory health problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and inflammatory bowel conditions like ulcerative colitis.
Many novel compounds in the healthy herbs have been found to reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
Controlled-epidemiological studies have shown that certain compounds in garlic like those that thiosulfinates (allicin) can bring significant reduction in total cholesterol and blood pressure, and thereby, helps cut down coronary artery disease and stroke risk.
Curcumin, together with other antioxidants in the turmeric, has been found to have anti-amyloid and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it is thought to be effective in preventing or at least delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
The volatile oils, vitamins, and antioxidants in the herbs have cytotoxicity action against prostate, pancreatic, colon, endometrial cancer cells.
The chemical compounds in the herbs have been found to be anti-spasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, analgesic, aphrodisiac, deodorant, digestive, antiseptic, lipolytic (fat burning and weight loss action), stimulant and stomachic effects when taken in a proper dosage.
Health Benefits Of Herbs;
Strengthen the Immune System: Herbs are rich in many essential oils, antioxidants, phytosterols, vitamins, and other nutrient substances that equip your body to fight against toxins and germs, as well as boosting the immune system. In fact, you can call herbs ‘medicines’ in small dosages. Some of these immune-boosting herbs are elderberry, garlic, ginger, onion, hibiscus, cinnamon, and goldenseal.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The essential oils present in some herbs, like ginger root, have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Some herbs inhibit the enzyme cycloxygenase (COX), which facilitates inflammatory reactions in your body. This is the reason why herbs are excellent natural remedies for inflammatory health issues such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel ailments like ulcerative colitis.
Reduce Blood Sugar Levels and Cholesterol: Some herbs have positive effects on the pancreas, thereby balancingblood sugar levels. Herbs have reportedly controlled many cases of Type I or Type II diabetes. For instance, fenugreek, bilberry and cayenne pepperextracts are said to be good blood sugar-stabilizing herbs. Herbs like psyllium, fenugreek and licorice can result in a noteworthy reduction of cholesterol and in blood pressure levels, thereby preventing various coronary ailments.

“You are not your illness. You have an individual story to tell. You have a name, a history, a personality. Staying yourself is part of the battle.” ~Julian Seifte

health benefits of herbs vary with their type. For example, ‘Artichoke’ cures different kinds of digestive problems, whereas ‘American Ginseng’ works as a health tonic and ‘Rosemary’ promotes healthy brain function. Almost all herbs have some health benefit and you can consume herbs for their comprehensive benefits after acquiring the recommendation of a medical practitioner.
What Are Herbs?
Plants that are prized for their scent, flavor, medicinal or other assets are known as ‘herbs’. Herbs are usually used in foods, for making medicines, for pest control, and also for spiritual purposes. Since ancient times, the culinary and medicinal values of different herbs have been appreciated by almost every part of the world and among many different cultures. Herbs can be classified into innumerable categories depending on their scientific family and genus, but in this article, we will discuss two popular categories, namely Chinese herbs and medicinal herbs.
Chinese Herbs: In China, the innumerable health benefits of herbs have been praised for centuries in their well respected medicinal systems. In fact, they were considered to be the most powerful treatment method in ancient times and many people from different countries relied on Chinese herbs alone to cure many diseases. In those days, herbs were often associated with miracles and magic.
Chinese herbal medicine dates back over thousands of years to approximately the rule of the Han dynasty. According to this system, Chinese herbs can be categorized into five main tastes. Spicy herbs treat colds and respiratory problems effectively and also improve blood circulation; while sweet herbs improve the functioning of the spleen. Sweet herbs can also relieve pain and boost the body’s natural immunity. Bitter herbs aid the cardiovascular system, while treating constipation and asthma.
Sour herbs treat liver disorders and help in digestive process. Salty herbs promote the health of kidneys. Other than these common varieties, some bland herbs were also praised due to their ability to take care of healing properties.